We make Mobile Emergency Guides for schools


Today, the one mobile platform that most people have with them all the time is their phone. So, in an emergency, what better than to have all of your emergency instructions accessible on that phone? With mobile publishing capabilities from eReadia, it is easy to take the outmoded print edition of your school’s emergency guide and literally put that information on the phones of faculty, staff, administration, and even students and parents. In an emergency, the communication capabilities of the phone may be a difference maker, especially when the user has your instructions for how to handle the emergency right in their hand.

We can code into the app buttons and links which make it easy to contact 911, send a text to an administrator, or call a hotline like the one for the Poison Control Center or the National Suicide Lifeline. Help is truly just a touch away with the Mobile Emergency Response Guide from eReadia.

Questions?  Use the contact form to get in touch!